Maternal & Child Health
2014 - 2018 Averages
- Average of 2,135 births/year
- 13.9 births per 1,000
- 2.4% teen births
Fertility Rate
- 71.2 births per 1,000 females ages 15-44
Prenatal Care
- 79.2% of women received prenatal care in the 1st trimester
Maternal Education
- 8.0% -<4 yrs. High School
- 12.5% - 4 yrs. High School
- 57.4% - College
- 22.2% - College +
- 7.1% of infants were born at least 3 weeks too early
Maternal Race/Ethnicity
- 78.7% White
- 11.4%
- 8.5% Asian
- 5.6% Hispanic
Low Birth Weight
- 5.7% of infants were born weighing less than 5.5 pounds
Out of Wedlock Births
- 24.6% of births were to unmarried women
Singleton Births
- 96.8% of births were singleton
Method of Delivery
- 25.0% of deliveries were cesarean
Children Living in Poverty
- 10.4% of children ages 0-17
- 94.1% of pregnant women did not smoke during pregnancy
Infant Mortality Rates
- 4.2 infant deaths per 1,000 live births
Data Source: Minnesota Department of Health Center for Health Statistics
Prepared by Olmsted County Health, Housing & Human Services - Analysis, Planning & Improvement Unit: September 2020