Childcare Assistance

The Childcare Assistance Program provides financial assistance to help families with low incomes pay for childcare so that parents may pursue employment or education leading to employment, and that children are well cared for and prepared to enter school.
Note: It is possible for counties to have a child-care waiting list.
Find out if you qualify
Bridge to Benefits is an online screening tool that is provided by the Children's Defense Fund.
How to apply for assistance
Apply online
You may apply online through MN Benefits
Mail or drop off
We have paper applications available outside our building.
You can mail/drop off your paper application at:
2117 Campus Drive Southeast, Suite 100
Rochester, MN 55904
You can email us with questions about our programs or your case at
Send documents to us
You can securely send us documents electronically by uploading them through MNBenefits upload documents
You can fax your paper application to 507-328-7956
Application assistance
We can help you fill out applications, answer questions, and guide you through the process. Please call to make an appointment.
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Call: 507-328-6500
Toll Free 1-855-282-3390
For more information about Olmsted County's 2022-2023 Childcare Assistance Plan, please see the PDF below.
Note: To view this file, you must download it to your computer and then open it with Adobe Reader.
(This PDF is not completely accessible to a screen reader. For assistance, please call 507-328-6500.)