Record high COVID-19 daily cases in Olmsted County
What individuals who test positive for COVID-19 need to do
November 10, 2020
Contact: Shay Baumbach |
Rochester, MN – On Monday, November 15, 2020, our COVID-19 dashboard was updated on our Olmsted County website to reflect the seven-day rolling average from data collected from November 7-13, 2020. At the beginning of November, the COVID-19 Activity Dials: Daily New Cases shows that the average daily cases over a seven-day period was 67.1. In as little as two weeks timeframe, we have spiked to 125.1 daily new cases. With an increase of over 120 new cases per day it has put a strain on the current system of assisting those who have recently tested positive with COVID-19.
As we continue to witness record-setting increases, Olmsted County Public Health Services does not have the capacity to continue to conduct case investigations and contact tracing for every individual who tests positive for COVID-19. It is important that the public knows some cases and contacts may not receive a phone call from public health at this time.
‘Not being able to connect with individuals who have recently tested positive means that we are asking those who test positive for COVID-19 to assist us in our efforts to keep their family, friends and co-workers healthy and safe,’ stated Graham Briggs, Director of Olmsted County Public Health Services.
If you receive a positive COVID-19 test, we are asking individuals to:
1. Stay home
- For at least 10 days since you first had symptoms AND
- You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without medicine that reduces fevers) AND
- Your symptoms have improved for at least 24 hours
2. Start a list of people you had contact with beginning two days before your symptoms started to present.
- Contact those individuals on your list that you have tested positive for COVID-19 and inform them to:
- Stay home for 14 days from when they last had close contact with you.
- Seek COVID-19 testing 5-7 days from when they last had close contact with you.
3. Contact your employer, school, or childcare about your diagnosis.
4. Avoid contact with others, even those in your household.
5. Seek professional medical care if needed, by calling your healthcare provider or 911 if it is a medical emergency.
‘We need our residents of Olmsted County to do their part in helping us reduce the spread of COVID-19. What you do today can make a huge impact, please continue to wear your mask properly, physically distance from others and if you have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 please get tested, stay home and contact your friends and family,’ stated Briggs.
At 3:00 p.m. today, Tuesday, November 17, Graham Briggs, Director of Olmsted County Public Health Services will be providing a COVID-19 update during the Olmsted County Board meeting and providing information regarding what individuals who test positive for COVID-19 needs to do.