Registration still open for remaining redistricting listening sessions

Olmsted County and the City of Rochester are encouraging residents to take part in the 2022 redistricting process. This includes participating in an upcoming virtual listening session. Four listening sessions took place in December 2021. Recordings of those sessions can be found on the City of Rochester redistricting website under the Events tab.
What is a listening session?
Redistricting listening sessions are an opportunity for you to share valuable information with local governments before redistricting occurs. This can include sharing perspectives from communities of interest, such as a neighborhood, community, or group of people who have common policy concerns and would benefit from being maintained in a single district. A community of interest is a way for a community to tell its own story about what neighbors have in common, and what makes it unique when compared to surrounding communities. Olmsted County and City of Rochester staff will review and consider all listening session input prior to the redrawing of electoral boundaries.
Can I bring forward questions at the redistricting listening sessions?
The listening sessions are designed as a forum for residents to share their thoughts and ideas related to redistricting. Attendees can ask questions, but they will be answered following the session on our websites. If you have questions about the redistricting process, please visit the City of Rochester and Olmsted County redistricting websites for a list of frequently asked questions. You can also submit questions and view more information about redistricting on those websites.
How do I register to speak at an upcoming listening session?
To register for a speaking slot at a redistricting listening session, visit the Olmsted County Public Registrations website.
Once on the site, please read the registration guidelines before choosing a listening session date and time.
Want to listen but not speak in a listening session?
If you would prefer to just listen in on a redistricting call and not speak, you can still attend the event via this Zoom link. Your microphone will be muted, and your camera will be turned off. If time is available following all registered speakers, the facilitator may ask audience members if they would like to speak. Those interested will be chosen, at random, based on the remaining time available.
Listening session dates/times
- City of Rochester Wards 1 & 2
- January 11, 2022, Noon – 1 p.m.
- January 11, 2022, 6 – 7 p.m.
- City of Rochester Wards 3 & 4
- January 13, 2022, Noon – 1 p.m.
- January 13, 2022, 6 – 7 p.m.
- City of Rochester Wards 5 & 6
- January 19, 2022, Noon – 1 p.m.
- January 19, 2022, 6 – 7 p.m.
- General Community - Olmsted County
- January 22, 2022 – 9-10 a.m.
If you are having difficulty registering for a virtual listening session event, email Olmsted County’s Policy, Analysis, and Communications (PAC) department at Please include your full name, address, and the listening session date and time you would like to select.
Registration is limited to 16 participants who wish to speak at each virtual listening session. Sessions are one hour and will include a brief introduction on the redistricting process. Olmsted County and City of Rochester officials will not be available to answer questions during the listening sessions. Answers to frequently asked questions are available on the city and county redistricting websites.
Unable to attend a virtual event?
If you are unable to attend a virtual event and would still like to submit your comments on redistricting, please email comments to You can also mail comments to:
Olmsted County Government Center
c/o PAC
151 4th St SE
Rochester, MN 55904
More redistricting-related events may be announced in the next several months. Updates can be found on the Olmsted County and City of Rochester redistricting websites.