Concrete box culvert installation on County Road (CR) 101 is scheduled to begin on November 16, 2021
Roadway work on CR 101 (45th St SE) is to begin on November 16, 2021. Work will include removal of existing bridge and installation of concrete box culvert. This work is part of the reconstruction and realignment of CR 101 from St. Bridget Road SE to County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 1. Mathiowetz Construction is the prime contractor for the $7,130,000 project.
No official detour will be placed during this closure. The proposed roadway closure will be needed for approximately 3 days weather permitting. Traffic should seek alternate routes during closure, see attached map.
Motorists are reminded to always drive with caution, and never enter a road blocked with barriers or cones. Please reduce your speed and proceed with caution through these work zones.
Access the road closure map here

Media Contact: Sue Struckmann, Executive Support Supervisor, 507-328-7070