Olmsted County Soil and Water Conservation District Annual Tree Sale Begins
ROCHESTER, Minn. – Each year the Olmsted County Soil and Water Conservation District sells trees and shrubs in bundles of 20 to 25 bare root transplants (2-3 years old). This is an inexpensive way to simply add color and beauty to your property. The trees are great for homestead windbreaks, living snow fences and wildlife habitat.
Our 2022 Tree Sales Program is officially open for the public to purchase trees and shrubs. The public can make their purchase via the Tree Sales Website.
We encourage the public to utilize the tree sales website for the easiest method of purchase. Anyone unable to access the website may stop into our office between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to fill out an order form and pay in person at 2122 Campus Drive SE Suite 200 Rochester MN 55904.
Description of the trees available can be found at www.olmstedswcd.org. The tree sales program will remain open until product is sold out. It is a first come first serve basis. Tree orders typically arrive in the spring, mid to late April for pick up at Graham Park (Olmsted County Fairgrounds), weather dependent. Detailed pick-up information will be provided to customers closer to the pickup date.
Watch for additional information regarding the return of the seed mixes and plant kits for sale in early 2022.
For more information or assistance with ordering contact Olmsted County Soil and Water Conservation District at 507-328-7070.
Media Contact: Sue Struckmann | 507-328-7070 | PWService@olmstedcounty.gov