Roadway Construction on County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 1 (Simpson Road SE) between County Road (CR) 101 and Trunk Highway (TH) 52 will begin June 27, 2022
Concrete resurfacing work is scheduled to begin along CSAH 1 from TH 52 to CR 101. The project consists of removing the existing pavement, widening the shoulders, and paving a new concrete surface.
The work will be done in close coordination with the adjacent CR 101 reconstruction project, which consists of roadway reconstruction and a new roundabout being constructed at the intersection of CSAH 1/CR 101.
An official detour will be put in place, starting June 27, 2022, as shown on the map below. Lanes will be reduced at the TH 52 interchange, but all ramps will remain open to traffic. All work is anticipated to be completed by November 1.
Doyle Conner Company is the prime contractor for the $2,500,000 CSAH 1 resurfacing project and Mathiowetz Construction is the prime contractor for the $7,200,000 CR 101 reconstruction project.

Reminder: Motorists are reminded to always drive with caution, and never enter a road blocked with barriers or cones. Please reduce your speed and proceed with caution through these work zones.
Media Contact: Sue Struckmann | 507-328-7006 |