Seeking community feedback on draft recommendations related to study of race and racism as a public health issue

UPDATE: As of May 1, 2022, the online survey is closed.
Olmsted County residents are encouraged to participate in an online survey to provide feedback on draft recommendations related to the county’s study of race and racism as a public health issue.
Feedback from the survey will be collected through the beginning of May 2022. Once all comments are collected, the preliminary recommendations can be refined before final recommendations are presented to the Olmsted County Board of Commissioners in the summer of 2022. Implementation planning for the final recommendations is expected to begin in the fall of 2022.
“Living and working in a community that was built upon the philosophy that the needs of the patient come first, I knew I wanted to do the work to dismantle the structures and systems that contribute to racial inequities,” said Olmsted County Public Health Services Advisory Board volunteer Angie Murad.
This work originated following the passing of a resolution in August 2020 by the Olmsted County Board of Commissioners which directed two of its volunteer advisory groups – the Olmsted County Public Health Services Advisory Board (PHSAB) and the Olmsted County Human Rights Commission (HRC) – to jointly study and investigate racial disparities that result from systemic racism as a public health issue.
The preliminary recommendations created by a volunteer sub-group of the PHSAB and HRC span 10 focus areas, and the focus is on services Olmsted County provides:
- Accountability
- Advisory boards
- Criminal justice
- Customer service
- Data collection and use
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Financial stress
- Housing/homelessness
- Mental health
- Substance use
“Bringing these draft recommendations back to the community will help us know if we’re on the right track,” said Olmsted County Public Health Services Advisory Board volunteer Kristin Fischer. “It will be great to hear from folks who are truly experiencing these disparities and if they believe these potential recommendations will help them in their everyday lives.”
For a closer look at the preliminary recommendations as well as more information about the county’s study of race and racism as a public health issue, please visit the Olmsted County website.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please email Olmsted County Management Analyst Amy Liebl at or Olmsted County Community Health Specialist Abby Tricker at